Saturday, July 25, 2009

Silly Girls

These are some of the things my little angels have been sayin i know i won't remember for long so RECORDING it for my personal enjoyment.

What the High school musical? ( or hannah montana, or jonas brothers) Ya they are not impressionable at all. I swear they dont watch that much tv.

Me to Sky: me "Sky did you thank Mel for the rock n roll hoodie? And did u tell her it was perfect because you had a rock n roll bday party?" Sky "No she should just read my blog." Lots of long stares. "What?" Sky.

Taylor "K where do babies really come from?" Sky "Silly they come from that little fish that swims in moms tummy REMEMBER" Lots of laughter form all parties involved and the age old question ignored for one more time. Shes only 7 she doesn't need to know yet.

Mom you are so beautiful you really do not need to wear make up. (T)

Me "Girl we are going to a bike race tonight." Taylor "YES WE ARE FINALLY GOING TO BE BUSY AGAIN!" Who knew we weren't busy I didn't.

Sky "Im gonna be so spoiled today."


  1. I love writing down the things Ryder says!!

    What the?!?! - they are sooooo funny!

    I love the FISH. Ryder says he and Reese came from the line in my tummy (from my c-section with Reese). He's 4 so we'll be ingoring the question for quite a while longer.

  2. I think you were looking for a Farmer's Market. I found this:

    Farnsworth Farms & Cider Mill (crops usually available beginning in August)
    Apples, eggplant, pears, peaches, peppers, plums, tomatoes, fresh apple cider
    11229 S. 700 East, Sandy, Utah
    (801) 571-0858

  3. Or you can check out this blog post ( for other options.
