Individual molten chocolate cakes
This recipe is from Giada on everyday Italian I did alter to my liking of course. She is one of my fav chefs. I had other similar recipes but they were quite finicky and complicated. when I found this I was thrilled not to complicated and sooooooooooo melt in your mouth good. A lightly crunchy top hides the delicious pudding chocolate in the canter. I actually went through a phase where I would double or triple the recipe and then freeze in ramekins or cupcake liners (the sturdy kind in foil) and bake a delicious treat for myself when ever I pleased. The sad news is that I was at least 30 pounds lighter then, darn kids.
First butter and flour 6 six oz ramekins (or cupcake liners) and place on a cookie sheet cove rd in foil.
Slowly melt in microwave or double broiler
8 oz semi sweet chocolate
1 cup unsalted butter at room temperature
In a separate bowl add
4 lg eggs
4 egg yolks
2/3 cup sugar
beat until fluffy and pale in color. the egg mixture will double in volume
add chocolate mixture to eggs very slowly ( if added to fast youll make scrambled eggs) add 4 tbs all purpose flour gently fold in. it is ok to have streaks ther is no need to over mix.
The very most important part DO NOT OVER BAKE, if you do there goes the molten you may have just made chocolate cake. Bake at 375 for 7 minutes. This can vary due to oven so watch it closly and do not be afraid to take it out when it has formed a crust but seems a bit runny inside.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Silly Girls
These are some of the things my little angels have been sayin i know i won't remember for long so RECORDING it for my personal enjoyment.
What the High school musical? ( or hannah montana, or jonas brothers) Ya they are not impressionable at all. I swear they dont watch that much tv.
Me to Sky: me "Sky did you thank Mel for the rock n roll hoodie? And did u tell her it was perfect because you had a rock n roll bday party?" Sky "No she should just read my blog." Lots of long stares. "What?" Sky.
Taylor "K where do babies really come from?" Sky "Silly they come from that little fish that swims in moms tummy REMEMBER" Lots of laughter form all parties involved and the age old question ignored for one more time. Shes only 7 she doesn't need to know yet.
Mom you are so beautiful you really do not need to wear make up. (T)
Me "Girl we are going to a bike race tonight." Taylor "YES WE ARE FINALLY GOING TO BE BUSY AGAIN!" Who knew we weren't busy I didn't.
Sky "Im gonna be so spoiled today."
What the High school musical? ( or hannah montana, or jonas brothers) Ya they are not impressionable at all. I swear they dont watch that much tv.
Me to Sky: me "Sky did you thank Mel for the rock n roll hoodie? And did u tell her it was perfect because you had a rock n roll bday party?" Sky "No she should just read my blog." Lots of long stares. "What?" Sky.
Taylor "K where do babies really come from?" Sky "Silly they come from that little fish that swims in moms tummy REMEMBER" Lots of laughter form all parties involved and the age old question ignored for one more time. Shes only 7 she doesn't need to know yet.
Mom you are so beautiful you really do not need to wear make up. (T)
Me "Girl we are going to a bike race tonight." Taylor "YES WE ARE FINALLY GOING TO BE BUSY AGAIN!" Who knew we weren't busy I didn't.
Sky "Im gonna be so spoiled today."
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wanna hear something awesome? We brought T in for her yearly/6 month cardiologist appointment yesterday. It may be my least favorite thing ever. Really I would prefer labor, a sinus infection or a root canal. At her last appt in September/October we were told she would need open heart surgery soon. The echo and EKG went great. Her valve is still leaking and her heart is enlarger due to overcompensating for the leaky valve (which is no surprise.) But for whatever reason her EKG was much better then last time. Which the dr could not explain (I'm thinkin test/machine error or MIRACLE. I'll just call it a miracle!) SOOOOOOOOOOOOO no surgery in the near future and we do not go in for one whole year. YIPPEE, we are jumpin for joy at our house!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Stinky is 6!
Sky Or Stinky is 6 today! Passion aka Sky has seemed like she is 6 for at least a year. She seems so old, Im sure its trying to keep up with Tay every moment.
Things I love about this gal
her eyes
her munchkin voice
her athleticism (she loves playin w the boys at the gym (you name it hockey, soccer, basketball whatever. she is always the only girl and her team always wins. YES I love it. we will see who is more competitive sky or me!)
watching her love and care for Myles she is more amazing then I could have ever imagined
laughing with her she is one funny gal and she knows it
K i kinda like her, i think i'll keep her. She has brought so much joy happiness and passion to our family. I love you Sky happy 6th I'm sure glad you are my baby girl.

Things I love about this gal
her eyes
her munchkin voice
her athleticism (she loves playin w the boys at the gym (you name it hockey, soccer, basketball whatever. she is always the only girl and her team always wins. YES I love it. we will see who is more competitive sky or me!)
watching her love and care for Myles she is more amazing then I could have ever imagined
laughing with her she is one funny gal and she knows it
K i kinda like her, i think i'll keep her. She has brought so much joy happiness and passion to our family. I love you Sky happy 6th I'm sure glad you are my baby girl.

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Party Time
Skyler had the WORLDS COOLEST ROCK STAR (hannah montana) BIRTHDAY Party. I loved planning and throwing every detail. Glitter and stars everywhere. Colors purple and light green. YES her party had colors that is what I had to repeat to Bryson as if he thought that sounded like over kill. Guitar cake made by yours truly. I was a little nervous, I free handed the guitar shape out of one sheet cake (Wilton has a pan but I wanted to ACE OF CAKES it!) We went to HANNAH MONTANA the movie. All the girls were awesome 13 to be exact! It was a blast and I am glad it is over. The party favors were target glasses with Hannah Montana stickers. The very best part of the day was that Skyler said "MOM I AM SO SPOILED TODAY." I replied "EVERY LITTLE GIRL DESERVES TO BE SPOILED ON HER BIRTHDAY ESPECIALLY YOU." Skyler you are one rockin girl.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fourth O July
We had WAY TO MUCH FUN this fourth. We started at the Pepperwood parade. The girls biked it together and made it up the BIG hill. Me and the kiddos swam at Oakridge while Bryson golfed (not sure why i didn't get any pics of Bryson but we were all together oops!) We then enjoyed face painting, food, family and fireworks. Myles was so tired I was sure he would scream once he heard the BIG BOOMS, but he loved it. Watched happily the whole time.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
skylers graduation
Skyler did awesome this year. She is reading at over a first grade level. She also performed jokes at the talent show. We are so proud of her! She is now an official first grader!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Fathers day
Myles is 7 months old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
K I can hardly believe it but my little butterball is all ready seven months old. Where did the time go? I guess with surgery everything just merged into one very long but good dream. I sure love this little guy. I love how he grunts gurgles and groans as all men should. I love his WIDE OPEN MOUTH KISSES. I love how he smiles when I get him out of bed. I love his baby high pitched squealed giggle. I love his man thighs. I love it when he lays in bed with us in the morning and holds Bryson's face. I love how much he loves his sisters. K I kinda like him even after all that baby weight. yep that is saying something.
He can.............................................................................
do a lot. Grunt push up downward dog scoot with hands spit up cry laugh roll all the way over teeth (he has one and one more on the way) bounce on bum and on hands and knees. Are you impressed yet? Oh yeah he is still probably the most talented at EATING.
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