Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wanna see child abuse?

I'm not sure why but we always make our pure sweet babies stand by some horrific creature around the Holidays. This time it was the GRINCH (ya after this he wouldn't even go near Santa.)

After talking to "Santa" Skyler said, "First of all I could so tell he was a FAKE. Also he knew all the kids in the wards names but he did not know ours (we were at grandparents ward.) That was not the real Santa!"


  1. Braxton my three year old keeps talking about the grinch too. A little scary I would say:)It was good to see you

  2. Okay, they now officially look like twins! Time flies, the both look so old.

  3. Skinniest Santa ever with a pure pillow belly! But that Grinch was awesome, wasn't he?!

    Fun to see your cute family. You have an 8-year-old!! Send those girls over to play (or fetch my #2) any time!
