Thursday, April 1, 2010

The biggest looser

Bryson and I have been doing the biggest looser at his work. Yesterday was the official end. Happy to report...

I lost 12 pounds,  8.7 % overall
Bryson lost 7 pounds, 4.3 % overall

We have been working hard and eating WELL. Every pound counts right. When I get BRAVE enough I'll post before and after pics. I'm just hoping to loose a few more lbs before I take the final pic in a bikini (let me tell you the before is BAD.)


  1. Good job! Summer you are looking so good (not that you didn't before)! We love you!

  2. In a bikini?!!! I would need A LOT more self confidence to post a picture of myself in a bikini. Good for you. Why the heck is Bryson losing weight?
