Tay turned 8 December 17th. December for me and my family is sheer craziness. Thus on her birthday she had a piano party and bryson had his work party. Yep we are THE BEST parents. But grandma LeeAnn took her to the Mandarin with her "birthday buddy" (uncle kyle).
There is something about the age 8 that simply seems so stinkin old! It must be the turning point because now I don't look at her as my lil girl, but my big girl!
Don't worry we celebrated on the 19th after her baptism. She got her ears pierced! Not a tear not a single one. In the chair before her was a 14-16 boy (weird) his mom was so excited? And while Tay's were getting pierced a teenage girl walked by and added "I remember my first piercing." Ya thanks a lot for that? We also let Sky get hers pierced she was beaming with delight!
I am so proud of the person you are. You are such a good girl!