Wednesday, June 8, 2011

we have made it through day 3

This evening T was feeling the now common nausea. Man if we could just get rid of it! I know I'll take it for her... I would in a heart beat if I could. After much persuasion she finally took her 4 oral tylenol (i'm not going to mention who but I'm pretty sure I heard the words DISNEY LAND? the worst part is she was way to miserable to get excited or even acknowledge it :( !)  Then we had to have her take another medication orally, up until this point it has been through her iv but we are trying to move forward. Well she FINALLY took the lasiks (I have no idea how it's spelled and frankly I don't have the energy to look it up) and then she barfed everywhere. Meaning that all the hard work it took to get her to take all the meds was a waste. Then the smell of the throw up in her hair made her sick. Sooooo good news she now has clean pretty hair! But even the clean baby smell of johnsons and johnsons is making her sick. I took a pic and she hated it! So I promised I would not take any more pics until she approves. What a mean mom I am! She feels like garbage and I'm snaping pics, just trying to document for us and the many people who want to visit but can't.

The poor girl cried and cried. She has told me repeatably that she wants to go home and that she just wants it all to be over. So heart wrenching as a mom!

The good news of the night is that our nurse diana has been amazing, I will be sad to see her leave at shift change. I told her how valium helped us (meaning T, but sure I might take some given the right moment)  last night and she agreed that it may help. So valium it was, followed my a much less fought dose of pain meds. And a quarter cracker and 4 sips of sprite! hey you have to start somewhere and right now I can say it is calm and peaceful at least for the minute! Yep i think Valium is my new BFF!

I do have a few pics of T left to post but I'll have to do it another time! I am going to obey her wishes and stop taking pics until she feels good enough to approve! See I'm not that rude right?

1 comment:

  1. Summer,
    I'm a Grandma to two precious princesses (4 yrs and 9 wks). I feel like I know your family as I follow your blog, through the generousity of your parents. When Taylor is feeling better would you please thank her for her generousity in allowing you to take the photos you have posted thus far. The images of her pre-op joy and confidence, followed by those of her courage and 'fight' through recovery have served thousands of people, who don't even know her, as we are able to put our daily aches and pains into perspective to join together with gratitude and assurance in the Spirit of Love, praying for her recovery, healing and restoration. THe gift of these images has stirred our hearts with the faith producing emotion required to expect miracles. And so today there are probably thousands 'T fans' who are rejoicing in the assurance that her total healing is imminent. In the mean time I am praying for the strength, courage and perseverance your entire family requires to move through the struggle of recovery with Taylor.

    Marilyn Johnson
