Real game with my dad and Wanny Colby and Starr. we had a BLAST!
ya not the most natural smile ever!
Oh I love these 3!
Popsicles for breakfast? Yep we did it! That's the way we roll (and they are all fruit and yogurt, but do not tell them that I'm not the coolest mom in the world!)
K so don't be alarmed by this photo. It's just Bryson's hip...
Bryson has done great and seriously dealt with it amazing! A week later I left him with the kids and headed to girls camp, ya great timing. I came home to happy skateboarding kids and a clean house with all the laundry done! Yep it's true, I'm lucky! He's a tough lil bugger and is now even back on the bike trying to be killing it come tour of utah! GO BABE! You can do it!
Fourth of July (3rd technically it's UT peeps)
My family has gone to Oakridge country club for as long as I can remember! It's TRADITION, and everyone LOVES it!
Face painting BOO-YA!
KISS? Or child abuse you tell me!
On the Fourth Bryson was in his first ever parade!
In Park City
I told the kids there would be lots of candy (RIGHT?) Turns out I lied, it's against some law up there? OOPS
Now this seriously deserves a drum roll...
Yep REAL gold and silver medals from the Vancouver Olympics. Billy Demong invited us over to his house after the parade. The girls do not even know what an amazing experience this is. They got to hold them, we saw all his hard work remodeling his house (LOOKS AWESOME) then went to lunch.
I'm sure you have heard me talk about Billy but he is an amazing guy, amazing athlete, and a great friend. One of the nicest guys ever. Thanks Billy for sharing. Next Olympics I know it will be 3 golds!
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