Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers day

Today i spent half the day without my loved babies. It was strange and difficult. My wonderful mom helped out with the kids this weekend so I could heal from surgery. Which was so nice I can not thank her enough tHanK YoU SerIouSlY tHanK yOu! I had a wonderful day starting with my husband asking the sacrament be brought to me at home (can u think of a better gift?) ThAnkS bAbE yOu aRe wOnDerFul! I was also blessed to talk to my brother colby on his mission and spend the second half of the day with my kids and many loved ones. To everyone who has helped me you are truly angels I can not thank you enough. I feel so blessed this mothers day to have so many amazing people in my life. And so many examples of charity.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a good Mother's Day, Sum. You are a great mother. Love you.
